The GFG Blog


A greener way to embalm?

Jul 09
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Guest post by Hatty Stafford Charles of Naturensbalm Embalming is used in a number of circumstances and for a variety of reasons.  If the body is to be viewed before or during the funeral, embalming will sometimes be necessary.  If the person has died after an accident or debilitating illness,
Categories:  Embalming

Responsibility for your own conduct

Jul 08
By celebrant Wendy Coulton of Dragonfly FuneralsThe Plymouth Herald ran a story recently about a family complaint that the funeral service for their relative was disrupted by the loud and distracting sound of laughter and conversation outside by a large number of people waiting to attend the next funeral. They included senior
Categories:  celebrants, crematoria, funeral directors

Statement by the FBCA

Jul 08
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The Federation of Burial and Cremation Authorities has received much criticism on this blog in the past week. I have received an assurance from the FCBA Secretary that a response will be forthcoming.
Categories:  cremation, crematoria

Tradesmen and their tools – another adventure in the life of the vintage lorry hearse

Jul 07
Posted by David Hall Whilst initially many people using Vintage Lorry Funerals were former Lorry Drivers, the recent business expansion has involved individuals from across the whole spectrum of employment and social backgrounds. In fact Lorry Drivers only account for 40% of the current profile, which includes Tradesmen and their Tools.
Categories:  Hearses

Crem says no

Jul 04
Up at Sunderland crem there’s a book where you can write little messages to whoever you’ve come to visit. Isn’t that great? Linda Johnson has been popping in and writing little messages to her mum for the last eight years — and to her dad since Christmas. As she says,
Categories:  crematoria

About time too?

Jul 04
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Lord Bonomy’s exasperation with the NHS, cremation authorities and funeral directors, whose ill-informed advice and guidance led so many thousands of parents of babies who had died to suppose that there would be no ashes after cremation, caused him to recommend the establishment of an inspectorate of crematoria: Scottish Ministers should appoint an
Categories:  funeral directors, Regulation

Tim Morris of the ICCM on the baby ashes scandal

Jul 03
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We are pleased this morning to publish the responses of Tim Morris, Chief Executive of the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management to four questions we emailed him last weekend concerning the recommendations of the Bonomy Report which was set up in the aftermath of the Mortonhall Investigation Report. We are extremely
Categories:  cremation, crematoria

All that remains

Jul 01
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There is no legal definition of ashes. Perhaps you prefer to call them ‘cremated remains’. Or ‘tangible remains’. Or even ‘total recoverable remains’. Selecting just one term and assigning an exact definition to it was one of the jobs Lord Bonomy set himself in his report. The fact that there
Categories:  cremation, crematoria


Baby ashes scandal: responses to Bonomy

Jun 30
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The Bonomy report lays bare the reasons why some crematoria have been able and willing to recover ashes from infant cremations and others haven’t. Given the enduring and agonising distress and uncertainty this has caused to an uncountable number of parents, it can only be a matter of time before the
Categories:  cremation, crematoria

The science of what works

Jun 28
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  We’re the last people to gloat over the mortal remains of the Funeral Business Innovation Show, slated to happen at Olympia in November this year. The organisers recently wrote to those who signed up to it: The event was designed to benefit the funeral industry in a big way, at
Categories:  Good Funeral Awards