Buy a box and make it better

Charles 2 Comments
I love this mission statement from Batesville, the big boy of US box manufacturers—the corp which coffined Michael Jackson:

At Batesville Casket Company, our mission is to assist funeral homes in creating meaningful funerals that help families honor the lives of those they love. We do this by providing superior funeral products and services that help funeral professionals serve grieving families during a most difficult time.” In particular, they’ll sell a funeral director a box on which he or she can slap a wee markup, which “reflects the personality and taste of your loved one,” and which “can be your final tribute to their life.” A Batesville box even comes with a little drawer in which you can “secure private mementos and farewell messages”.

Nice one, Batesville. If only it were that simple.

As simple, for example, as sneering. It’s all too lazy to come over all Jessica Mitfordish about these bling monsters and other funereal stuff. But it doesn’t pay to be baleful. Sure, if people think they can banish grief by lobbing merchandise at it, they’re going to miss the point. But, given the way we are, it’s always going help.


  1. Charles

    Sorry Charles I can’t help being baleful about Batesville. Their mission statement should read “Buy one of these – You simply cannot make a more profound statement about your indifference towards planet earth”

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