Co-operative Funeralcare – a case for care in the community?

Charles 3 Comments
Listeners to this week’s edition of Radio 4’s hilarious News Quiz hooted from the outset when the programme kicked off with this announcement from the Whitby Gazette:
Does your Mum deserve an evening of pampering which will make her feel like a princess? The Whitby Gazette has teamed up with Co-operative Funeralcare to give her a night out she’ll remember for years to come.
A scan of the Whitby Gazette website reveals that, owing to the fierceness of the competition, there were, thanks to the bottomless generosity of the Co-op, two incredibly lucky winners (a dead heat): Lisa O’Brien and Donna Dyson. Not only were they fed, they were also presented with floral tributes (coffin sprays?) by Effcare’s tame florist and, of course, conveyed hither and yon in long wheel-base griefmobiles.
Lisa suffers from osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia. Donna is her Dad’s carer. Read the story here.
Is it puerile to snigger at undertakers who do good works? Yes, of course it is. But only if good works are done for good works’ sake. By good people.


  1. Charles

    It is an integral part of the Rochdale Principles to be active in the community, however words such as "taste" or "appropriate" are probably there in one form or another also. My local branch, (my former employer actually), regularly supplies a limo full of balloons to nursing home and school fetes and invites the public to guess the number within. The prize? a limo ride to and from the night out of your choice, my cringeometer is still at the menders!

  2. Charles

    It should also be pointed out that
    Funeralcare raises thousands of pounds for charity and sponsors many events. Many schools, nursing homes and charities etc approach them for help. Community events yes, again no differant from the butcher, the baker, and the candlestick maker.

    My former employer also, and still many friends work for them

  3. Charles

    Thank you very much for leaving your comment and showing us the positives, Angel Arranger. It is always good to be able to see the other side. I am grateful to you.

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