Don’t cry for me, Libitina

Charles 3 Comments

I’m not ashamed to admit it (I’ve never mistaken myself for someone with a brain), I’d never heard of Libitina til this morning.


Libitina. The Roman goddess of death, corpses and funerals. Gave her name to Roman undertakers: libitinii. She was, if I may quote from m’learned friend Wikipedia, a “black robed, dark winged figure who might, like an enormous bird of prey, hover above her intended victim until the moment came to seize it.” Much like death today, in other words.

One of the gates of the Colosseum was dedicated to Libitina, and through it were dragged the carcasses of despatched gladiators.

Over at Stupid Mart I find that you can bid for a figurine of Libitina on eBay. The listing describes her as: A great piece for your coffee table or to put on your mantle. Buy it for your local undertaker / funeral director, or that special someone who drives a HEARSE. 

In some traditions, Libitina is the same as Venus:


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