Anything in it?

Charles 2 Comments

Perhaps the most important recent consumer information to reach the public domain was the SAIF IPSOS-Mori  price comparison survey (26 Feb 2010) which showed that  “Average funeral directors’ charges are highest for Dignity funeral directors and lowest for independents. Co-operative Funeralcare branches fall between the two.”

SAIF wouldn’t share these results with the Good Funeral Guide on the grounds, that, though we make a better case for independent funeral directors than most, we were adjudged not to be fit and proper recipients. Good news will out, though. We soon had that clean linen being aired on this website. Since then, SAIF has quietly aired it on its own.

Why the shhh!? I’d have thought that SAIF members pay their subs to have this sort of information trumpeted at full blast. As we go into an era of cuts lots more people are going to be looking for a cheap funeral. Every financial journalist in the country would have picked up on a brightly-worded press release.

One possible reason has reached me in the form of swirling rumours. I say rumours and, for the benefit of Co-op Funeralcare’s lawyers, I repeat: rumours. Allegations. Baseless, doubtless.

These rumours centre on the response of Co-op Funeralcare to the release of the SAIF survey. They are ugly rumours.

Does anyone have any solid, verifiable information they’d like to share?

Don’t leave an anonymous comment below. I couldn’t trace you through it, but others, possibly, could. Contact me direct: Arrange to phone, if you prefer. You will just have to trust that I shall treat anything you say in strictest confidence.

It would be good to stand these rumours up or knock them down, as they deserve.


  1. Charles

    I don’t have a comment on these shameless, baseless, unfounded, false, crooked, corrupt rumours about Coop Funeralcaremongers, sorry.

    But I AM impressed that SAIF considers GFG to be ‘not fit and proper recipients’ for the results in question. They couldn’t have paid you a better compliment, Charles, if they’d said you were a scandalmongering scoundrel. Well done, you old rogue, I’s SO proud of you!!!!!!!!!

  2. Charles

    I don’t have a comment on these shameless, baseless, unfounded, false, crooked, corrupt rumours about Coop Funeralcaremongers, sorry.

    But I AM impressed that SAIF considers GFG to be ‘not fit and proper recipients’ for the results in question. They couldn’t have paid you a better compliment, Charles, if they’d said you were a scandalmongering scoundrel. Well done, you old rogue, I’m SO proud of you!!!!!!!!!

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