Good with grief

Charles 4 Comments

The banner on The Co-operative website proclaims that it is “good for everyone.” This accords with the long-held and passionate belief of all who toil at GFG HQ. To us, it’s a resounding statement of the obvious. We thought it was common knowledge.

It looks, though, as if Co-op’s marketing creatives have stalled in their efforts to transfer variants of this this little strapline to its manyother services. The Co-operative is “good with money” and it is “good with food” — but there it stops. They are probably beavering away, torturing their brains to generate “good with” straplines for travel, electricals, farms, cars and the rest. They are not “good for nothing”. They’ll come up with the mots justes, they will.

But it looks as if they need some help, and we think that the learned readership of this blog can rally round. Come on, everybody. “The Co-operative Funeralcare — good with ______________ .”

Suggestions in a comment box, please.


  1. Charles

    “The Co-operative Funeralcare – good _______”.

    (Oh come on, Jonathan, that’s not what Charles meant at all! How about, “… – good with-profits”?)

    With apologies to Jonathan and all readers for the ______ above, inserted by me, Charles. A little light tinkering to keep the lawyers from our doors for, like the hosts of Midian, they prowl and prowl around.

  2. Charles

    While we’re on the subject, the C.O.D. lists as one of the meanings of Dignity:

    “…an inflated idea of one’s own importance.”

    They obviously took the trouble to look that one up first.

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