Charles 7 Comments

A reader has written to me to draw my attention to Is it, he asks, a scam?

I’d not come across it before. If you go to the site you’ll find that it enables you to, in their words, “find the exact funeral requirements you require in-line with your budget. You can search from over 3500 independent funeral companies and you receive an estimated cost and what you services you would typically receive within 60 seconds through our site.

In your time of need it is the single location for you to easily find everything you need with regards to the funeral arrangements. Funeral comparison gives you the user the power to decide what you want, without having to ask the awkward questions like how much will it cost, we will break down the list of services you require and then you can choose the funeral director that best fits your needs.”

Well, it’s not the most literate website I’ve ever read, that’s for sure. What else?

“We deal with all Independent Funeral companies* in the UK as we feel the quality commitment empathy and care that comes from independent funeral companies is greater, and best for you in your time of need.”

I wonder what that little asterisk after Funeral companies means. It doesn’t seem to go anywhere.

I spent some time playing with the search box and came across all manner of Funeral companies that aren’t independent as we know it. Go to Bury St Edmunds, for example, and you’ll be directed to Fulcher and F Clutterham and Son. They are both branches of Dignity.

How is funeralcomparison making its money, you wonder? “We work closely with independent Funeral Directors and charge a small finders fee for the services we provide via our website.”

Enough. I’m out of patience.

Anyone got anything nice to say about it?


  1. Charles

    Here is my search results thus far; – The Stables, Station Dr, Kirby Muxloe – 0800 043 1545 – Place page – The Stables, Station Dr, Kirby Muxloe – 0800 043 1544

    Both linked to same address, batch phone numbers. It is simply someone trying to make a fast buck, associated with estate agents and letting agents and now thinks they can make money in the funeral industry. It’s despicable, can easily cause problems for some independant funeral directors, particualrly where individuals can leave customer review comments, which Im sure can be left by anyone! I can see this hurting people and businesses.

  2. Charles

    There’s also this business registered to this address:

    and this:

    and this:

    and I suspect this:

    Please do not give people ideas about leaving mischievous reviews of funeral directors, Philip; this blog has any number of reckless anarchists among its readership. Having said which, I think I’ll just nip over there now and see how easy it is…

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