Quakers get down to earth

Charles 3 Comments

A couple of months ago I was contacted by Quaker Social Action and invited to a planning group whose remit was the support of people in London on low incomes needing to arrange a funeral. I wasn’t able to go, to my ire. Sue Gill and John Fox* were speaking. I’ve never met them.

The project is now up an running. It’ll be good to hear reports of how it’s doing.

Here’s the press release:

Down to Earth is an innovative new project which supports people on low incomes during one of the most difficult time of their lives: planning a funeral. Down to Earth gently navigates recently bereaved people through the funeral process and empowers them to arrange a meaningful, yet affordable .    Down to Earth can offer direct support from a team of trained volunteer funeral mentors. We can also offer advice and information over the phone, or through providing a free funeral resource pack, a simple and practical guide to creating a meaningful, but affordable send off. The mentors will support recently bereaved service users throughout the funeral process as needed. Service users will be allocated a mentor and can access and re-access the service at any point throughout the funeral process and beyond. A mentor will offer support with all aspects of arranging a funeral, providing unbiased, practical guidance so people can make the best possible decisions at this extremely difficult time.   

From Monday November 29th 2010, QSA will accept referrals from anyone who may come into contact with recently bereaved people on low incomes e.g. bereavement services, GPs, older people’s services, hospices, community centres and faith and community organisations. We can also accept self-referrals or referrals from friends or family members.

To find out more or apply to be a volunteer mentor: Contact Shaun Powell, 020 8983 5056, shaunpowell@qsa.org.uk or go to www.quakersocialaction.com/downtoearth

* Sue Gill and John Fox wrote the acclaimed Dead Good Funerals Book


  1. Charles

    Looks like a brilliant idea – just what I’ve been banging on about for ages. Objective advice free at the point of contact, before people do anythinbg else that could cost them a lot, and sometimes more than it needs to..Do tell us more when you hear how it’s going.
    Only in East London?

  2. Charles

    This looks fantastic and St. Joe’s Hospice where they’re doing the training is just down the road from me. But – no time!

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