Rat chat

Charles 3 Comments

Can Twitter handle theology? No problem. This discussion took place idly over three days.

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling
“Our minister said God needed another angel in heaven, so he took my husband. But I needed my husband too. ” http://bit.ly/ggWU9Z

mylastsong My Last Song
@goodfunerals Heaven must be overcrowded with angels. It’s probably a very big place. Are pets allowed? Only good ones I guess. Who judges?

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling
@mylastsong Too many angels in Heaven? Should be declared a no-fly zone?

mylastsong My Last Song
@goodfunerals When not flying, they perch on a cloud, playing small harps. Could account for the cloudy weather. Are there pets in heaven?

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling
@mylastsong Of COURSE there are pets in heaven, MLS. Everyone knows that. All my dogs are waiting for me there.

mylastsong My Last Song
@goodfunerals Good. I was particularly fond of pet rat when a child. Hope he’s there too tho’ till now didn’t expect rodents in heaven.

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling
@mylastsong “In my Father’s house there are many mansions.” There’s a rat mansion for sure. Death offers so much to look forward to.

mylastsong My Last Song
@goodfunerals Unless you’re the person who cleans the rat mansion. Bum deal, get to heaven to be told you’re in charge of the rat mansion.

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling
@mylastsong Celestial rats self-cleaning, mansion tickety-boo, call as you please.

mylastsong My Last Song
@goodfunerals Not sure I believe buy generic cialis professional this now Charles. I’d hoped heaven was a sort of better earth, me and ratty reunited if G in a good mood.

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling
@mylastsong Awfully sorry, old sport, but Big G wedded to many mansions policy – separate development. Obdurate in these enlightened times.

mylastsong My Last Song
@goodfunerals Possibly the other place more fun. Lots of mixing together in all that heat more appealing than stuck in mansion with worthies

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling
@mylastsong Ratty will be trapped in the Empyrean hymning the Supreme Being, forever parted. IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT?

mylastsong My Last Song
@goodfunerals I put him in a cage, overfed him, teased him, ignored him most of the time. I JUST WANT HIM TO BE HAPPY NOW and await my fate.

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling
@mylastsong Man proposes, God disposes. Ratty sleeps sound in the arms of the Lord. The Last Trump will decide if you are a sheep or a goat.

mylastsong My Last Song
@goodfunerals So my fate to be a sheep or a goat sharing the Lord’s embrace with lots of sleeping rats. If this heaven, what’s hell?

mylastsong My Last Song
@goodfunerals Ratty has best deal. When awake lives in self cleaning mansion, then into arms of Lord to sleep. I’m a sheep or goat. Fairenuf

GoodFunerals Charles Cowling
@mylastsong Amen. In unsure and uncertain hope.

mylastsong My Last Song
@goodfunerals Amen.


  1. Charles

    Charles and I would be excellent on the radio, astride the death and dying area which so far is taboo with broadcasters. We agree on somethings and agree to disagree on others.
    We both have the right voices for radio…and the right faces too!

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