Can you help?

Charles 3 Comments


By Caroline Iandoli

Living funerals are gathering in popularity as more people are approaching death with a more positive frame of mind, taking the opportunity to celebrate with the people they love and have been important in their lives. It also means friends and relatives who might not be able to attend the funeral at short notice can say goodbye. This kind of celebration often has a positive effect for those coming to terms with illness and loss.

We aim to reflect this shift in attitudes by making a documentary celebrating life through the lens of the deceased apparent. The film will confront the traditional way of dealing with death, and demonstrate that planning for the end of your life doesn’t have to be morbid. It can be – and for many people is – positive and uplifting.

We are looking for people who are thinking of planning a life celebration to contribute to the film. For more information please contact Paisley Randell: 07554009286 or email us at


  1. Charles

    Hi Karen,

    Glad you like the idea! Would you consider holding your own or are you just supporting the positive frame of mind?


  2. Charles

    I have been to one of these, it was for a great Scottish rugby legend. Broon from Troon he was known as, Gordon Brown to the uninitiated. It was held 10 years ago in a London hotel about six weeks before he sadly died of cancer. He was a great friend and a constant source of amusement. I believe the event was taped – I may have a copy somewhere. Rugby players came from South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Wales and England to the event. I recall seeing JPR Williams, Gavin Hastings and others in the bar while Jeremy Guscott entertained us playing the piano at 3am! Gordon knew he was close to death but revelled in seeing all his old friends and comrades again and they in seeing him. He was a much loved guy but not everyone has the chance/opportunity to do this sort of thing. I would personally love to do the same but I don’t know when I’m going to die so can’t yet plan the event!! Should I do it now, wait a few years when it might be too late, or organise it for after my death (which I have already done) but of course I won’t be there – not sure I like that bit….

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