Blessed are those who mourn

Charles 6 Comments

Posted by Charles

Here’s a thing. RJ Scholes, funeral directors of Stamford in Lincolnshire, have bought a new hearse and a new limousine.

So what, I hear you exclaim.

What kind? I hear undertakers who read this blog enquire. Ans: Ford Fairlanes. Not all that classy, I wouldn’t have thought, mere Fords?

It seems that aforesaid Fords are going to play an important symbolic and emotional role in the grief management of Stamfordians.

Given that the most important service a funeral director offers is personal service – humanity, time, care, genuineness – it is curious to hear Vic Woodward senior branch manager, opine that (this is according to the muddled Rutland and Stamford Mercury) “the new vehicles are part of their ongoing commitment to provide the best possible service to our clients throughout the Stamford area.

“He added: “They will ensure we offer comfort to close family, at the same time reassuring them that every aspect of funeral arrangements has been given the closest attention.””

This evokes the words of our Saviour, as recorded in Matthew 5:4: “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” I’m not skilled in biblical exegesis, but I wonder if Christ really had cars in mind. 

Read the article here.

RJ Scholes is… a branch of the Anglia Co-operative Funeral Group. 


  1. Charles

    Well, I know I bang on a bit about use of English, and maybe the poor chap had a bad teacher, but does Vic not hear himself talkng about the new vehicles’ effect on a grieving family “reassuring them that every aspect of funeral arrangements has been given the closest attention.”? Why?

  2. Charles

    Charles – complete tosh, nothing other – does this merit a local news story….? – I suspect it’s only because a new independent has opened up on their patch – Ford Fairlanes, well any Ford used for this type of work is considerably down market – they’re cheaper (but of course) than anything that’s remotely decent, Anglia will not reduce their fees, again but of course

  3. Charles

    aah yes, I knew that I was on the right track with my last post………’s the details:-

    Andrew Woodhouse Independent Funeral Services, Sandon Barn, Casterton Road
    Stamford, PE9 4BP 01780 751719

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