Cremains of the day

Charles 5 Comments

We’ve always liked Daisy coffins. They’re a quality product and use a range of lovely looking, renewable materials: water hyacinth, banana leaf, wicker — imported, of course. The people at Daisy are nice, too. 

Daisy don’t just make nice coffins, they also thoroughly understand design. They present themselves beautifully. They use an excellent graphic designer; their ads would look great in any glossy lifestyle magazine. And it’s all a bit wasted on their target audience, funeral directors, who are, of course, much more interested in things like price and whether they leak and creak. Funeral directors have a thing about creaky coffins. 

Daisy don’t sell direct to the public. A great pity; they’d shift a few. 

But they have just started selling urns direct to folk like us. We liked the look of them and asked us to send us one. They did — with a return postage sticker. We took it out to lunch to test reactions. Nobody reckoned it was an ashes container; one person thought it was a box of chocolates — encouraging for anyone wanting to transport ashes in a container which doesn’t shout Dead Man’s Dust at innocent bystanders. 

The urn pictured above is from their leaf range. They do them in a variety of shapes and colours. They are made of cardboard decorated with dried leaves. They’re biodegradable, of course, if you want to bury — and reusable as a memory box, or whatever, if you want to scatter. At £35 they are nicely priced. 

Check out the Daisy Memories website. They do other urns in all sorts of materials. Click here

Note to cynics: no, they’re not paying us a penny to say this. We say what we like.  


  1. Charles

    I know this is an almost complete non-sequitur from this post, Charles, but paper urns bring to mind Sunset recycled newspaper coffins, and it occurs that they don’t tell you which paper… you may end up in a hole wrapped in the Daily Mail! Now wouldn’t that be humiliating, for an intelligent commentator? Can’t they have their coffins named ‘The Guardian’, ‘The Sun’ etc, like any other coffin maker, and manufacture them accordingly, just to make things clear?

    Anyway, yes, Daisy are delightful, from their coffins to their designer (whose name escapes me but with whom I had a good chat at the funeral show) and I’ll happily endorse your enthusiastic support of them.

  2. Charles

    As ever, Jonathan, you arrive at this from a point of inspired obliquity. That is your heady and inspiring genius.

    Wouldn’t they look good alongside the Chatsworths and Woburns and Downtons and Granthams — the Guardian, the Telegraph, the Sun, People’s Friend? They might even be decorated with slightly faded headlines which reflect your values…

    Glad you like Daisy.

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