Read between the lines, what do you see?

Charles 5 Comments

From the Taranaki Daily News, New Zealand:

Taranaki people say they are keen on “green burials” despite the Awanui Cemetery natural burial site sitting empty eight months after opening.

The Taranaki Daily News revealed yesterday that none of the 235 plots at the Awanui Cemetery natural burial site had been sold since it opened for business in April last year.

… … … 

New Plymouth’s W Abraham Funeral Directors’ manager, Mark Baker, said a regular coffin could cost as little as $700, but the natural coffins available cost at least $1800.



  1. Charles

    I smell A rat! A financial blackballing by the traditional funeral directors/cemeteries.
    So, how about shrouds? Legal for a burial here in UK……..A few $ for 12m fabric and a board underneath.
    I know 1000 NZ dollar is about £500 – not far off what a woven coffin costs here. But $1,800? When they come from Indonesia? Ha Ha!
    There’s a business here for a properly priced biodegradeable coffin. Carl??

  2. Charles

    Hey you should try the local synagogue, we have used their simple pine caskets with rope handles in our green burial grounds and they are economical for the family to buy too, I’m sure some funeral homes import plain cardboard coffin too.

  3. Charles

    It’s probably not about what’s available, or what’s allowed at the burial ground, or about the real £cost of coffins, so much as about the insidious undermining of an unfavoured business venture by the local funeral directors who, remember, are the ones supplying and pricing all the coffins anyway, wherever they end up.

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