Thoughts of a funeral-goer

Charles 4 Comments

Posted by Lyra Mollington

Oh my goodness!  What a week I’ve had!  It all started with my dear friend Daisy.  Fortunately her GP says she will make a full recovery.  Apparently we ignore the dangers of novelty slippers at our peril.  It’s not only the cold snaps that are killing our senior citizens – it’s ill-fitting footwear. 

 “Every year in the UK more than 5,000 people die in accidents in the home…  But, because the accidents happen behind closed doors in isolated incidents they rarely attract public and media attention.”   Thus claims RoSPA here.        

Anyway, it got me thinking.  I really must plan ahead – after last week’s failed attempt to talk to my children about funeral plans, I started to write out a few ideas.  It was then that the phone rang – it was my sister letting me know that our cousin Trevor has died.  And I’m fairly sure that slippers were not the cause. 

As to the funeral, it’s all very fascinating.  Apparently, after a visit to Thailand to “find himself”, Trevor became interested in Buddhism.  I’m told that his poor wife is currently researching Buddhist beliefs on the internet.  The funeral is next week – I plan to take notes and report back.  Of all the world faiths, Buddhism must surely be the most level-headed and pragmatic so I’m expecting dignified and fuss-free.  

Buddhists of course believe in rebirth – I only hope that Trevor moderates his alcohol intake in the next life. 

“Even the gorgeous royal chariots wear out; and indeed this body too wears out. But the teaching of Goodness does not age; and so Goodness makes that known to the good ones.” 



  1. Charles

    Lyra, you are a dear thing. More of your thoughts please, on a regular basis. So much nicer and more enlightening than all the vulgar argy-bargy we usually indulge in round here.

    I’m sorry to hear about your cousin Trevor, or “justadoubletrev?” as I believe he was known as down at the “Mason’s Arms.” But in a professional context, as it were, I look forward to your report back.

    My gorgeous royal chariot is close to losing its wheels at this time of year, so I’ll bid you au revoir my dear and press on with a rather unBuddhist funeral later today for a local unfortunate.

  2. Charles

    Thank you for your kind words of condolence Gloria. You are a true lady. My best wishes for your funeral later today – you’re not one of those humanists are you?

  3. Charles

    Lyra, I cannot tell a lie to your steady gaze – I was to begin with a sort of humanist, but now I’m closer to a “whatever you want provided it’s legal.” And you would not guess, my dear, the sort of things people sometimes want. Do you know, we’re having to listen to some rock and roll at a funeral next week?

  4. Charles

    Hugely enjoyable ramblings from you, Auntie Lyra. Particularly your sharp observations about the deceased and his habits.
    Let’s hear some more of your droll and incisive thoughts, when you’ve a moment.
    xx auntie.

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