Have your say

Charles 6 Comments

Happy Monday, everyone. 

If you come to this blog wondering what’s kicking off, chances are you’ve got something to say yourself. 

If so, we’d like you to.

The GFG’s a talking shop. We don’t have an editorial line, we don’t have a manifesto. Come one, come all; we’re Funeralworld’s Speakers’ Corner.

If you’d like to sound off about anything at all, do get in touch. 


  1. Charles

    I’d like to sound off about your outrageous policy of allowing people to say what they think, learn how to pick and choose between funeral “professionals,” deal with end-of-life issues, and generally think for themselves. The consequences for our profits could be disastrous, and I am already in discussion with our lawyers about your deeply offensive independence and integrity. We didn’t get where we are today, young man, without a lot of black crepe, large black cars and plenty of euphemisms.
    We remain, sir,
    A Very Large National Chain.

  2. Charles

    OOO you got me going again! Seems to me that they = a financial shackle that restricts flexibiity. A bizarre deep-shine peacock thing. Most odd.

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