
Charles 4 Comments

“Several years ago, I had to sadly make the greatest decision of my entire life and that was to have my beloved Russian Blue cat, Didymus, put to sleep. I can remember that day, as if it were yesterday. I had no warning of her failing health and it took me by surprise. Didymus sadly that day passed away in my arms and then I was asked the following question: what do you want to do, in regard to burying her?  I had no idea and so Didymus remained at our home until I decided what funeral I would like for her. The great problem I had was, that this was June 21st and we were in a heat wave and I knew, as a former funeral director, her remains could not repose in our home for long. I rang every funeral director I knew and worked with and asked if they would supply me with a casket ( a childs one) to bury Didymus. I was refused, made fun of and told ” for gods sake, it’s a cat”. I was dreadfully upset and could not understand why I could not buy a casket to bury her. Over the next few hours I came up against a wall of narrow minded and uncaring human funeral directors, who showed no compassion for the loss of a pet. I was stunned.”

The writer is Julian Edward Lemuel Tapping from Abergavenny. He continues:

“Why should our beloved pets not be laid to rest with dignity and respect, just like us? They become lifelong companions and the grief at their loss, is very real. By arranging a fitting farewell to a beloved pet, it provides us with comfort and we can look back at a wonderful life with us, and in death a fitting funeral. Through a funeral for a beloved pet, we draw a close on their partnership with us in this earthly journey and by doing so, we draw to ourselves peace and consolation, in the sure hope of a happy reunion one day after our journey is complete upon this earth.”

True to his belief, Mr Tapping has set up his own pet funeral service, Paws2Remember — and a very complete service it is, too. Mr Tapping even has his own chapel of rest for animals who have gone on before:

There will be those who regard such an enterprise with a raised eyebrow and a curl of the lip. But a straw poll of those who toil here at the GFG-Batesville Tower, where everyone brings their dog to work, reveals 100% approval and appreciation of Mr Tapping’s enterprise. We send him him our very best wishes. 

Find Paws2Remember here


  1. Charles

    We (Saint and Forster) also offer a full pet funeral service. Oddly its something Keith had been considering years ago and I have had cats all my life so the idea made perfect sense to me.

    When my cat Kashmir died about three years ago (not long after I had met Keith) we had quite an elaborate funeral in the back garden. It was the first time I had seen my ex husband and his new girlfriend together as a couple and I have to say that the circumstances made that meeting far easier than it might otherwise have been.

    It seems quite clear to me that to many people (myself included) pets are in every way a part of the family. One of the hardest things about owning pets is the knowledge that you are very probably going to outlive them so you are setting yourself up for heartbreak from the start. To me, this makes absolute, perfect sense. I wish Mr Tapping all the luck in the world.

  2. Charles

    People forget that pets are an integral part of the family. We were contacted last year by a couple who’s cat had been run over and killed I provided one of the woollen ashes caskets for him. I know that hainsworths now provide a range of woollen pet coffins and caskets.
    I echo Jennys words that I wish Mr Tapping every success and know he is providing a vital service

  3. Charles

    I wish Mr Tapping every success with his venture. Our four legged friends keep some of us a little more “sane” than we would have otherwise been.

    A chance also, via this blog, to pay tribute to a black and white cat named “Jess”.

    The coffin manufacturers Walter Lambert & Sons Ltd, based in Nelson, Lancashire, suffered a major overnight fire this week. Their factory was gutted.

    Sadly, Jess, the factory cat, perished in the blaze. After 18 years of greeting visitors, and “assisting in the fitting of countless coffins and caskets”, she is no more.

    The firm will soon be back in business, but they’ll be hard pressed to ever replace the ambassador they had in Jess.

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