Absence makes the art grow fonder

Charles 6 Comments

Are you a graveyard rabbit? Are you a photographer? 

If your answer to both of the above is yes, you can enrich yourself to the tune of £1,000 by indulging your two favourite fads and entering MAB’s Dead Art? Then and Now competition, details of which follow: 

Last year was the second success of the Memorial Awareness Board’s (MAB) “Dead Art? Then and Now” photographic competition. MAB, the organisation that works to promote and raise awareness of memorialisation issues in the United Kingdom, have now launched the competition for a third  year and is sponsored by StoneGuard Memorial Stone Insurance. It encourages photographers of all abilities to submit their images of memorials with the themes “then” and “now” and the winner will receive £1000 from the sponsor.

This year there is an added twist to the rules. The public will be able to vote from the 10 short listed entries, on the MAB website, to choose the ultimate winner and runner up.

 MAB’s Campaign Director Mike Dewar says, “Memorials and cemeteries have long been a favourite subject for photographers. There certainly is no shortage of unusual and interesting memorials throughout UK burial grounds and this competition focuses on capturing and showcasing their unsung beauty”. 

MAB are calling photographers of all abilities. All entrants must submit two images one of then and one of now in order to be valid. The “Then” photograph should represent memorials as history, and the “Now” photos must be a modern headstone. Photographs can be either black and white or colour.  

Closing date for the judges to choose the short listed will be Monday July 2nd. It will then re open in August for the public vote.

To enter the competition and for full terms and conditions please visit: www.memorialawarenessboard.wordpress.com. You can also become a fan on Facebook.

MAB asked us to let you know about this competition and, of course, we are delighted to do so. 


  1. Charles

    i still cannot believe this person won last year. The second image is lovely, but the first is just shockingly fake, over photoshopped and unreal. Why on earth are you not rewarding those with a natural talent and eye, of which there were quite a few, but instead someone with too much time and computer skills on his hands? I mean come on, even the bloody flowers are so obviously fake. A shocking picture to be chosen as the winner, the judges have no taste at all.

  2. Charles

    Thanks for your comment re my photo,I appeciate your veiws.
    It was done this way to emphazise the theme of “NOW” , a modern look on an old art .
    The flowers were fake,once again,modern.
    But as I say each to his own ,the judges liked it and I enjoyed the prize even more.Sorry.

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