New life for old dead people

Charles 9 Comments

It may have passed us by here at the GFG-Batesville Tower. We can wear thin. Exciting innovation, breathlessly announced in gushing PR-ese, sometimes gets the yeah-yeah. 

We’re talking about the US trend for putting QR codes on headstones. Has it crossed the Atlantic yet? If not, why not? We concede that it may have. 

It’s a terrifically good idea. Cheap, too, at around £35 a throw. You take a QR tag measuring roughly 1 inch x 2 inches. You stick it on a headstone or any other memorial — it’s not just for buried dead people. You point your smartphone at it and it takes you to a webpage containing the life story of the dead person plus photographs of said dead person plus links (optional) to social network sites and a really good online memorial site like MuchLoved

At a stroke it solves the problem that has beset the memorialisation of everybody save the enduringly famous. Burial grounds the world over currently commemorate amnesia. They are full of people who, even those with the biggest tombs, mean nothing to anyone. Why? Because the inscriptions on their headstones/obelisks/mausolea are insufficiently informative to make them remotely interesting. 

And yet there are loads of exceedingly interesting dead people out there, from age-old B-list celebs to civic worthies to extraordinary ordinary people. Add ’em up, that’s almost everyone dead and buried. 99.999%. Tell us more about them, what they were like, and suddenly a graveyard becomes a really good and satisfying read. 

The appeal is obvious to the contemporary bereaved. But it’s greater than that. Many of our burial grounds stretch back over centuries. So here’s a job for local historians. Research the life stories of the occupants of your burial grounds, then slap a QR tag on their headstones. The general reader will bless you. Imagine parties of schoolchildren zooming around with their smartphones, history coming to life before their eyes…

Check out some QR code memorialisation specialists here and here and here


  1. Charles

    This is fantastic Charles, I would go and buy a smartphone straight away if this were to take hold. It would transform a cemetery into a centre for learning, which is never a bad thing! I’m trying to think of the negatives but can’t come up with any! I particularly like the idea of researching extraordinary ordinary people. Thank you for this, it has got my brain ticking!

  2. Charles

    QR codes taking you to an online memorial site is a great idea which is why a guy called Mr Mindrum in the US has patented it. The patent is held by a company called MeM which is owned, I believe, by our old friends at SCI.

    I understand that no-one has been prosecuted yet but be careful. Lawyers for a company I know that looked at this reckon it covers obits, service sheets and any other memorial item that a QR code could be placed on.

    1. Charles

      Dear: Mr. Charles
      I read your comment on the patents issues surrounding qr code grave markers. I want to thank you for bringing up this subject and providing a link to the matter. I’m curious about this subject for business purposes. I know I am a perfect stranger, but I would like to politely ask for your assistance in getting a couple of questions possibly answered. I will get right to my questions.

      1.Are you implying that if someone wanted to put qr code with a link embeded to a webpage containing biography of the deceased on their loved ones headstone or any other type of memorial marker that they would have to be licensed by the to do so?
      Its such a remarkable concept that could possibly help someone deal with their grief. I would hope that any individual who wanted to create one of these for their loved one would be able to do so without having to get permission from a patent holder.
      2. Now to the business side.some company wanted to start offering this service for a profit would they also need to be licensed by the patent holder of this concept?
      Since QR Codes, standard bar codes and augmented reality technologies are being applied in ever new ways I wouldn’t know where to start in trying to find the correct patent holder. I visited the link you provided at and I’m not an attorney, so I could not make heads or tails of the page provided on the link. Do you know of a proper channel to go through to get such a license if indeed one is needed?
      I know I am asking some fairly large questions and even a bold request for assistance, but I would greatly appreciate any type of of input you may have the subject. If I had bigger britches I would hire an attorney to find these things out, but alas I am small business man and a big dreamer.
      Sincerely, Mike Ross 615-927-1226
      Nashville, TN. –U.S.A

  3. Charles
    Richard Rawlinson

    I’m involved in QR coded links on websites and the printed page at work. I’d also come across them in a few shop windows to give passers-by a more indepth picture of product functions. I’d never made the mental leap to graves though. Cemeteries as digital libraries, melding the physical present with the history of deceased souls. A remarkable concept.

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