Embalmer required

Charles 1 Comment

Excitement is building around the GFG Funeral Industry Awards – the first ever held for the Dismal Trade. There’s been a lot of press interest and, so far, stories in Metro and the BBC website. Sky are interested in featuring the event as part of a feelgood series about nice things happening to nice people.

Even though there’s a lot of fun built into the event, the underlying purpose is bloodymindedly serious: to celebrate the unsung heroes of Funeralworld. Given the amount of dissing the industry has endured this year, it’s time to yank out the colonoscope, hold up the mirror and reach for the garlands.

Have you nominated anyone yet? If not, why not?

Are you allowed to nominate yourself? Yes. But get back-up.

The one category – the only category – in which we’re struggling is Embalmer of the Year. If you know of a brilliant reconstructionist with a heart of gold, please speak up for them.

To remind you, those categories again:

Most Promising New Funeral Director

Embalmer of the Year

The Eternal Slumber Award for Coffin Supplier of the Year

Most Significant Contribution to the Understanding of Death in the Media
(TV, Film, Newspaper, Magazine or Online)

Crematorium Attendant of the Year

Best Internet Bereavement Resource

The Blossom d’Amour Award For Funeral Floristry

Funeral Celebrant of the Year

Cemetery of the Year Award

Gravedigger of the Year

Funeral Director of the Year

Best Alternative to a Hearse

Book of the Year
(published after 1 May 2011)

Lifetime Achievement Award

If you wish to nominate someone, send an email with a written recommendation (no more than 100 words) to say why you think the company or individual is worthy of the award.

Please include an address and telephone number. Your citation may be quoted at the award’s ceremony on Friday 7 September 2012.

Email your entry to: goodfuneralawards@joyofdeath.co.uk by Monday 6 August 2012.


  1. Charles

    I have to nominate Mr Mark Elliot (Northants) for the embalmer award.
    A big man with a massive heart and an incredible talent.

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