The GFG Awards, 7 September 2012

Charles 2 Comments

The GFG Awards will be the first-ever industry awards ceremony. We have received 149 nominations for 14 categories, so it’s a very strong field. More details any time soon. First, though, our thanks to Steve Ancrum and the brilliant team at Sunset Coffins, who are donating funeral Oscars, like the one above, each of which will be presented, individually engraved with the winner’s name, on the night.

Full details of the evening plus an opportunity to buy tickets and book specially discounted accommodation here


  1. Charles

    Sounds so interesting. I wish myself and Jimmy could come but we are showing our film and leading a discussion about Beyond Goodbye and the death of our son at The Compassionate Friends Gathering 2012 on the Saturday. We have also been asked to present at The Dying Matters Conference in November.
    Very good luck to all who are involved……fantastic to see this event is getting such a lot of interest in our death averse culture.
    Jane Harris

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