The revolution will be televised

Charles 10 Comments

A premier-league TV production company (we’re not allowed to say the name) is presently shooting a documentary about the GFG Awards, complete with behind-the-scenes peeks at some of the nominees at work in their own workplace. They want lots of human interest. Some nominees have already been contacted; the rest are advised to stand by. 

This is great news for The Cause. Brian Jenner (organiser of the Joy of Death Convention) and I have done our due diligence and we are convinced that the motives of the team behind this are the sound and sincere. The half-hour documentary, dedicated exclusively to the GFG Awards, will be one of a series of documentaries about heartwarming competitive events. 

The finished piece of work will reflect the deep seriousness, emotional intelligence and sense of humour which characterise the best people who work in the funeral ‘industry’. It will repair some of the reputational damage wrought by exposés of malpractice which have beset us this year. It will show funeral shoppers that there are people in this business of death whose excellence and beauty of heart they had never dreamed of. 

If you can join us, please buy your ticket at: 

We are more grateful than we can say to Sunset Coffins for donating the funeral Oscars, pictured above. 


  1. Charles

    We are hoping to come to the awards but can’t confirm yet as we are having to find a carer to look after Tony’s dad (who lives with us).

    Either way, good luck to all of you who have been nominated – may the best man win (or in these politically correct times, should that be ‘best person’?!)

    Maggie & Tony xx

    1. Charles

      Or even better – the best people. There are 14 awards. Should be a fascinating evening – I’m only sorry I can’t stay for the whole weekend.

  2. Charles

    We are so looking forward to next Friday will be a fantastic evening and Ann is looking so forward to meeting you Charles. We are looking forward to seeing many friends at this fantastic event.. We wish all the true professionals in the funeral world the very best of luck.

    lots of love to everyone
    Mark.E & Ann.L
    Mark Elliott Funeral Services Northamptonshire

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