A literary undertaking

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“From that moment my mind was made up – I wanted to be an undertaker. That was that and all there was about it.” 

“A LIFE IN DEATH – Memoirs Of A Cotswold Funeral Director” by James Baker

“A Life In Death” takes the reader into the largely hidden world of death and funerals, as set against the picturesque back-drop of the Gloucestershire countryside. After spending twenty five years in the funeral profession so far, there is much that James Baker can share with readers about his professional journey and his experiences. This book was written not just to entertain, but also to enlighten and hopefully, to reassure. Above all, it offers a whole new view into the practical reality of death and bereavement in contemporary Britain. 

Written with a wide cross-section of readers in mind, this book will be of particular interest to: 

       People of all ages who are fascinated with the work of a funeral director, or readers simply looking for an entertaining account of a unique working life;

       Palliative care and/or nursing professionals wanting to understand more about the various procedures following a death and the choices open to the bereaved;

       Would-be entrants into the funeral profession;

       Those who are preparing for an imminent bereavement and who are looking for a sensitively written, but honest and truthful insight into the practical realities of death and funerals. 

“A Life In Death” fills what is still a gap in the market for an intelligent and comprehensive, but highly readable, account of life within the funeral profession. James deliberately avoids the use of hackneyed, predictably humorous anecdotes and overly-sentimental or lurid accounts of tragic episodes. Instead he offers a sensitive, insightful and nuanced account of what his working life as a West Country funeral director is really like. 

Available from Amazon, or to order from any good book retailer. 

292 Pages     Mill Place Publishing     ISBN 978-0-9573468-0-2     Paperback: £ 8.99     Kindle version: £ 2.22


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