As others see us

Charles 10 Comments

It’s always interesting to discover how others see us. Here’s a US take on the Good Funeral Awards:

The British have something of a reputation for a degree of ‘quirkiness’, and this seems no different in their approach to the death care industry.  The UK has recently held an event to celebrate the innovation emerging in the ‘alternative’ sector of the funeral industry.  This was staged in recognition of the changing trends in green funerals, life celebrations, new online memorial technologies and the more weird and wacky offerings that people can choose for their final send-off.

The Joy of Death Festival was staged in Bournemouth on the September 7 – 9th 2012 and attended by good funeral folks from all over the United Kingdom.  The strap line for the event “A weekend for the Living!”

There’s more here.


  1. Charles

    Great to see the event getting attention over there. But there’s a touch of that unhelpful over-simplification we get a lot of in the UK too, words to the effect that funerals are either somber and gloomy events or wild and wacky celebrations. The sort of people at the event, at least the ones I know of, are helping bereaved people find truth, authenticity and openness in funeral ceremonies, and in attitudes towards the end of life. With all due respect etc, “wild and whacky” doesn’t entirely cover it!

  2. Charles

    Slow many attended this fantastic event, I count n more than 50 in the picture, with less than 200 nominations for these prestigious awards its all sounds like a bit of a joke to me.
    What’s a the real criteria for awards………

    1. Charles

      Dave – for me (and I’m not one of the organisers but I did nominate someone) this was about publicising the incredible dedication of those who work in a business that most members of the public know little about. Apart from when something goes wrong. It certainly wasn’t a joke, neither was it perfect. It’s the nature of an awards ceremony that only a fraction of deserving individuals will be recognised. But it’s a start that I hope will go from strength to strength. Awards ceremonies aren’t for everyone but at least they try to do something positive.

      1. Charles


        Just to add that the event was a sell out and limited, on the evening, by the number of seats at the venue.

        I wanted to buy more tickets and could not.

        Did you nominate anyone?

        For a brand new event I feel it went really well, although I was disappointed that I didn’t have the pleasure of making an acceptance speech; there is always next year – I hope.

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