It’s all hotting up for the funeral Oscars

Charles 13 Comments

Apologies from the editorial team here at the GFG-Batesville Tower for the recent blog dribble if you’re one of those who enjoy the customary daily torrent. We have been traversing the country with the TV crew who are making a half-hour documentary about the upcoming funeral Oscars ceremony in Bournemouth this Friday. It’s not too late to book tickets and accommodation for this star-studded event. Go to the Joy of Death website

We’re still not allowed to say the name of the TV channel concerned, I think. But we can tell you that it’s a biggie, and the documentary will go out in a prime time slot. It’s going to be a lovely thing. The crew have been knocked out by the brilliance and loveliness of everyone order cialis generic they have met. 

Already, we know that this is going to be a great event, nothing less — huge fun in its own right, a great gathering of the brightest and best, a vast amount of happy nattering and, underlying it all, our mission: to sing the praises of the unsung heroes of Funeralworld. 

There’s been some media interest. Most notably, on Friday BBC R4 are intending to record a ‘package’ for the Saturday morning Today programme. Oh, and the Sun is keen to come and talk to you. 

Yes, but what-do-I-wear-what-do-I-wear, I hear you wail. We have now received guidance from the TV people. The dress code is Dress to Impress. Anything goes so long as it’s eyecatching. 

See you there!


  1. Charles

    Have fun everyone! I heard Saturday Live on Radio Four Saturday 25th August – it was a good build up as they were talking about unusual funeral ideas and funeral customs….. and it will be a great follow up to have an item the day after the awards.
    I wish I could be there 🙁
    Go GFGA!

  2. Charles

    Keith and I wish we could make it!!…but…well…if you will have these things at the other end of the country!
    Hope it all goes brilliantly and we look forward to seeing the reports appear on here!

  3. Charles

    There is a direct ‘cross country’ train from Manchester to Bournemouth, no need to negotiate London! Used it the other day when the BBC whisked me up to go on the sofa in their very snazzy, new, Salford television centre.

    I too am looking forward to seeing you all there. Charles, I hope you will provide name badges for everyone. I would really enjoy putting faces to my favorite bloggers. Is that something I could help with?

    Rosie at the Natural Death Centre

    1. Charles

      Well, interesting you say that, Rosie. We rather thought that many people would already know each other, and we’d introduce ‘strangers’ to each other — rather like a big party.

      I’ll see what Guru Brian thinks. Really kind of you to offer. Thanks!

  4. Charles

    Jenny – sure you can’t ‘pop’ down to Bournemouth?

    Rosie – we ‘pop’ never ‘whisk’ – and sofa indeed!

    CC – name badges – all good conferences have them… it’s very disconcerting for the stranger to keep trying to remember who’s who at these affairs.

  5. Charles

    Sounds fantastic. Sad to be missing it but I’m looking forward to seeing those of you who are there on Saturday. We’re running 2 Death Cafes, one facilitated by me and the other by Kristie West at 11.30am and 4pm. Please do come along if you’re inclined to.

  6. Charles

    Well…here we go then…Very best wishes to all involved and we hope it goes brilliantly well. We will be thinking of you (possibly a bit jealously 🙂
    Look forward to seeing all the comments next week and the TV programme when it comes out.

    Good luck, all!!

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