Quote of the day

Charles 8 Comments



“If, as we get on each day living in the present, we spend some time seriously thinking about [death]; if we talk about it now and then – here, perhaps, and with friends and relatives; if we seek out and read what others have written about it; if we ponder it quietly from time to time –

Then one day we will realize it has come to pass that we understand; that leaving this world is the completion of the circle of life and that we will welcome it, in its time, as the next great adventure.

And we will realize then, too, that we will have arrived at our equanimity each in our own time as necessity presents itself.

At least, that’s how I hope it happens.”






  1. Charles

    Likewise. Death preoccupies me almost constantly, it is the backbeat to my life and imagine I am no more reconciled to it than someone who doesn’t give it a moments thought. Hey ho. Might just try to become Buddha via excessive eating.

  2. Charles

    I can’t imagine being reconciled to death, but I can imagine that reflecting on the end of life, re-adjusting to its inevitable reality, enables one to face it more calmly. I’ve a friend who teaches mindfulness meditation, and she has embarked on a project to prepare for her own death. It seems to me Ru that being preoccupied with death, which given your profession and the dedication with which you pursue it, is I guess inevitable. But directly seeking to address the fear of death, seeking to come to terms with the reality of human mortality, is a different matter from being preoccupied with it. I think – I’m finding – that it takes a lot of time and re-iterative attention. And it may do strange and rewarding things to one’s ego.

    Well, this is a huge topic and best addressed over a bottle of good Pinot Noir.

    1. Charles

      Good one Evelyn. As Ru says, funeral professionals about death a LOT but that doesn’t mean we can happily accept it as the next great adventure. Not today thank you.

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