Bunch of boobies?

Charles 2 Comments

“These pink blazers show the insidious creep of cause marketing. Chicken buckets, perfume and now your friendly neighborhood funeral director. It will literally follow us to the grave. How soon before we are offered pink granite headstones with a tasteful (and licensed) ribbon symbol replacing the dash between the dates of our births and deaths?

“The idea of creating breast cancer awareness at a funeral seems idiotic. I don’t see how you could POSSIBLY be more aware of anything else while attending the services of someone who died from metastatic breast cancer. For me, it would truly be the final insult.”

Source: Katherine O’Brien at ihatebreastcancer


  1. Charles

    Rant alert! When a funeral is a celebration of life, we do not want to be reminded of the cause of death. I have been deeply affected by cancer of all types. Should we have a colour for each disease a person died of? Perhaps red for my father who died of leukaemia? I am survivor of breast cancer; three of my friends have died of cancer, two of whom had very young children; my aunt died of breast cancer when she was 35 (she had three young children). These pink jackets would have done nothing to comfort her grieivng family. Look at us all jolly in our pink jackets. Favourite colours as a theme can be poignant and touching. Colours indicating cause of death are not.

  2. Charles

    I’m not sure anyone thinks about the ’cause’ – either of the death or the fight against whatever cancer it was. Judging by the number of people who rush out of the crematorium and light up a fag…. people find death traumatising and scary and they don’t want to be faced with ‘we stand together in our pink jackets and pink ribbons’ – cancer has claimed one more victim as far as the mourners are concerned. I agree with Kitty – it’s not the time nor the place for a stand up and be counted fight…. that comes rather more naturally out of the pit of grief, and the desire to ‘ get up and do something’ in memory of Mum/Aunty/Sister because we loved her, not because it looks good on the FDs brochure. It’s a different thing from a football team wearing the pink ribbon because they are supporting research and/or in memory or a team mate’s mother….the undertakers need to keep their professional distance and this is a step too close for me.

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