Do the math

Charles 10 Comments

Add all these up. What do you get? 

  • Phosphate 47.5%
  • Calcium 25.3%
  • Sulfate 11.00%
  • Potassium 3.69%
  • Sodium 1.12%
  • Chloride 1.00%
  • Silica 0.9%
  • Aluminum Oxide 0.72%
  • Magnesium 0.418%
  • Iron Oxide 0.118%
  • Zinc 0.0342%
  • Titanium Oxide 0.0260%
  • Barium 0.0066%
  • Antimony 0.0035%
  • Chromium 0.0018%
  • Copper 0.0017%
  • Manganese 0.0013%
  • Lead 0.0008%
  • Tin 0.0005%
  • Vanadium 0.0002%
  • Beryllium <0.0001%
  • Mercury <0.00001%

No, not Findus lasagne! 


  1. Charles

    I’d be rather more alarmed if it was 110%…
    (As the youth of today – including George Osborne – seem to think is a higher percentage than 100 but I digress)

  2. Charles

    Lots of metals, wonder if the quantities are significant? Surprising amount of sulphate too.Also wonder why it only total is circa 91% the small constituents can’t add to 100% can they? Also wonder what variance you get between people – fillings or residue from artificial limbs? Wonder how it compares to un-cremated bone. Wonder if this just the bone or the contents of the cremator?
    I might do some more digging on this – very interesting indeed.

  3. Charles

    More difficult that I thought, I know I keep asking questions as opposed to answering them but where is the Carbon, I always thought that it retained a small amount, otherwise how would the splendid Mike Kelly and the like be able to grow their diamonds…..? Charles – do you have the original source?

  4. Charles

    The answer to some of the queries is explained in the preamble, which is quite good and succinct. I am thinking she used a mass spectrometer, but I may be talking nonsense, anyway this is the what she says:

    The results provided, with the exception of Phosphate and Sulfate, are presented as the
    element. However, in the body these elements are present as a part of a variety of organic
    and inorganic compounds. Upon cremation, most of the organic compounds are
    converted to the metal oxide. Depending on the conditions of cremation, some may also
    be converted to carbonates. The inorganic compounds may remain as phosphates,
    sulfates, chlorides or carbonates, or may be partially converted to oxides. The carbon
    from the carbonates and the oxygen from the oxides and carbonates are not included in
    the data presented. Those elements are not determined by the testing procedures used for
    this report.

    The precision of the testing procedure used is +/-10% of the reported value, i.e.
    Phosphate reported as 47.5% may be 42.8 to 52.2%

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