Calling all angels

Charles 19 Comments

When Ed Emsley, a film student at the University of Falmouth, rang me up to talk about his idea for a documentary about the death industry, I was struck by what a very nice fellow he was. I gave him all the help I could — a mouthful of wellmeaning advice and a list of nice people to ring. Over to you, Ed. 

He’s just emailed to say he’s all but finished the film and is looking forward to entering it for all sorts of competitions. He needs our help. 

We are putting the finishing touches to it and are currently running a crowdfunding campaign online to try and get help to fund the use of a Dylan song, When the Deal Goes Down. This is James [Showers’] chosen funeral song and he feels that it sums up the way he has tried to lead his life. 

Being Dylan, using the track is quite costly and as students, we are quite hard up. Therefore, we are trying to get the ‘teaser’ trailer of An Undertaking to be seen by as many people as possible. Would you possibly be able to share the Kickstarter page with as many people as possible to arouse interest and maybe support? I’d be so grateful.

You can see the teaser trailer and read what Ed has to say about the project here

I have a feeling that Ed is going places. And I’ve a feeling that a lot of readers would like to give him a leg-up to what will be a hugely impressive career. 

Judge for yourself. Watch the teaser. Listen to the Dylan song. Consider bunging him a tenner. All good causes lead to Heaven. 

ED’S NOTE: A cigar to the first person who spots the allusion in the title of this blog. If that’s you, Kitty, a pince-nez. 


  1. Charles

    How inspiring, can’t wait to see the final version.

    The Green Funeral Company, Totnes & Family Tree Funeral Company, Stroud are both NDC Recommended Funeral Directors

    I have supported the project.

    Susan, NDC Trustee

  2. Charles

    You mean an angel as in financial backer of the arts? Referred to in the Margaret Rutherford film with Ron Moody, Murder Most Foul?

  3. Charles

    Hi All,

    Thank you so much for your support in helping to make this project happen! I really appreciate the kickstarter donations and we’ll be sending out updates about where the film may be shown in the future.

    Also, thanks Charles for posting this plea. I look forward to the moment when I can show you all the finished film.

    All the best,

    p.s An Undertaking’s facebook page is viewable from the above URL.

  4. Charles

    Who is the editor of the GFG? He’s a cheeky bugger. Pince-nez indeed. Sulking now. But not too much to have a go at your quiz. Is it Michelangelo’s Last Judgement fresco on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel when God sends out his angels with a loud trumpet call to go and fetch the dead?

  5. Charles

    Isn’t it wake them up, Kitty? From memory, I Corinthians 15:52 ‘…for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.’ Handel had a big hit with it in his Messiah.

    But we don’t do High Culture at the GFG — well, some of the readers do, but none of the editorial team, who are halfwits. What we had in mind/ear was this: You may prefer this version:

  6. Charles

    And there you have it, Lol. This is the considered position of the whole world. We may have to send you to a GFG camp for re-education where you can recant abjectly on camera and do some hard labour. There are no two schools of thought in this matter.

  7. Charles

    Avoid the camp, Lol, it’s very unpleasant. Ruthless unlettered oiks, all of them. But they are right, I’m afraid. The only TV to come near “Six Feet” was “The Wire,” and I had to watch that from behind the sofa. Both progs were so much better art than any number of “art” films I’ve watched the first 20 minutes of (max) before sliding into a delicious doze over a glass of C du R….

  8. Charles

    To be honest I watched about 2 minutes of it and never fancied it, although that was before I became involved with dead people on a legal basis ( no necrophilia, thank you). Probably give it a try sometime. Television art? of course it is, but again beauty is in the eye etc 🙂
    Unfettered oiks? Sounds like I’d fit right in 🙂

  9. Charles

    I missed the contest (never stood a chance anyway), but I enjoyed the crack!
    Thank you for getting hold of this fillum – Ed was great to work with, and is impeccably motivated; they deserve the best possible outcome.
    The original Dylan music is fantatsic, and worth going for – but as the crowdfunding appeal says “Getting ‘An Undertaking’ screened and judged is the best outcome for the film. This will enable our project to be seen by the biggest possible audiences. Therefore, we need your help to pay for submissions, both national and international”.
    Thank you to all who got behind this.
    PS My Xmas pressie boxed set of ‘six feet under’ has been a sheer delight this winter.

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