Right, that’s your lot

Charles 6 Comments

As 2013 totters down the pub for a festive pint, it’s time for us to hang up our trocar and call it a day.  

A big thank you to all our readers. An even bigger thank you to all our guest bloggers; you keep us fresh and unpredictable. Biggest thanks of all to Richard Rawlinson, our Holy See correspondent, and to Richard Hall whose monthly adventures in his vintage lorry hearse have already become an eagerly anticipated fixture. 

Please, if you ever feel like sounding off about something, send us your words and we’ll publish them (terms and conditions apply). The GFG blog is the Speakers’ Corner of Funeralworld. 

We know we ought to proudly and painstakingly list our greatest hits of the last twelve months, it’s what everyone does and it’s a proper and businesslike thing to do, but we simply can’t be arsed. My own personal highlight of the year was sitting up in bed one summer’s morning with my two-and-a-half year-old grandson chatting sagely about stuff. Come on, let’s get real, there’s more to life than death. 

We’ll be back soonish. In the meantime, have a terrific Christmas and a corking New Year. We have it on good authority that in 2014 all your dreams will come true. Onwards! 

Team GFG x


  1. Charles

    Thank you ALL in the GFG corporation for your challenging, funny, bang up to date and always well written news and comment.
    If, like the Post Office you decide to get ‘listed on the LSE’, count me in for a timesdecent block of your shares. Meanwhile, I wish Happy Times ahead for you and all your fans.

  2. Charles

    A BIG thank you, Charles, and all at the GFG emporium for a most brilliant 2013 blog.

    2014 is just around the corner, with all it’s yet unknowns…….

    Seasons Greetings to all you GFG fans out there – have a meaningful and Prosperous New Year!!!

    – Nick

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