#Bovo2014 — 5-7 September

Charles 14 Comments

The Good Funeral Awards have moved. Up, of course, several notches, as the prestige of this event grows. And upcountry, too, to Bournville.

Bournville is a suburb of Birmingham. It’s where they make the chocs. It’s in the middle of England, easily accessible by road, rail or canal to funeralists of a northerly or anywherelsely disposition. Looking forward to seeing you, Lol.

Bournville — unlike Bournemouth — is in exactly the right place to attract the public. We want people to come along and hang out with funeral people, meet handpicked suppliers and practitioners and enjoy some interesting talks. This’ll be on the Saturday. We’re calling it the Ideal Death Show, website under construction.

The Good Funeral Awards will be held on the Saturday evening. Nominations open in April.

As ever, we want the event to be progressive, intelligent, diverse, open-minded, edgy and warmly welcoming. Above all we want it to be useful. So this year we’re running parallel activities. We’ve got talks and demos for the public running alongside talks and workshops for undertakers and celebrants. For those who don’t fancy the Awards this year there’ll be a fleet of minibuses taking off for a curry house. There will be entertainment at the Friday evening barbie and something on the Sunday morning before you go home after lunch.

This weekend attracts the brightest and best people in Funeralworld. It’s a great clan gathering where you can meet new people, see old friends, debate issues and share experiences. It’s the year’s big highlight. 

It is also collaborative and co-operative. We welcome all bright ideas and initiatives. Contact us with your ideas, please. This show belongs to everybody.

We try to keep it as cheap as possible, this year cheaper than ever. The venue, the Beeches, has perfectly habitable rooms at budget prices. We hope to keep admission as close as possible to free.

This event has generated an immense amount of good publicity for the funeral business. Here’s just some of the press coverage of last year’s event:

Clarissa Tan wrote a personal opinion of the weekend: The ideal death show

Embalmer of the Year, Liz Davis, relaxes by stuffing mice

Lifetime Achievement Award for Bristol funeral director

Eco-friendly hearse earns Golders-Green based Levertons and Sons recognition at the Good Funeral Awards

Minehead woman wins Embalmer of the Year Award

Calne artist thinks outside the box for final gift

Henley Woodland Burial Ground wins Award

Horncastle’s Stuart digs his way to the top for national award

Radio interview with gravedigger of the Year 2013

Clandon Wood Surrey Hills Natural Burial Reserve Nominated For Cemetery Of The Year Award

Perth funerals specialist claims top honour

National Awards Honour for Trio from Family Funeral Business


  1. Charles

    IDS, not to be confused with Ian Duncan Smith, is set to be another triumph. Good luck with the preparations. The Beeches Hotel venue, with its Cadbury heritage, is Nestléd in the heart of Bournville.

    1. Charles

      You are amazing and very sensible cos they’re likely to sell out. By the way, I forgot to tell you that B’ville was bit by a shakin’ Quaker and there are no pubs in Bournville. None. Not one.

      But there is a very good bar at the Beeches.

  2. Charles

    Everyone’s a Fruit and Nut case in Funeral World after all and what with the credit Crunchie we all need to book a budget hotel serving nothing but tiny Mini Eggs or with a bit of luck Creme Eggs and dippy Chocolate Fingers for breakfast. It’ll be like taking Time-Out on a trip to another Galaxy and if that sounds Flakey you can thank your Lucky Stars that BOVO isn’t on Mars or in some other Turkish Delightful place full of Eastern Promise.

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