What you say and the way you say it

Charles 1 Comment

Caroline Goyder is a voice coach at the Central School of Speech and Drama. At the Good Funeral Awards weekend 2013 Caroline spoke to funeral celebrants and earned rave reviews. She’s got a new book out, Gravitas: Communicate with Confidence, Influence and AuthorityThere is an attractive launch offer. In Caroline’s words: 

Until 14th March you get the first two audios, Find your Gravitas, and Presentations with Gravitas (worth £40) as a present when you purchase the book: 2 great 40 minute gravitas audio mp3 recordings of Caroline’s core principles for confidence and gravitas, in bite-size sections.

How? Either from Amazon:  and email us the receipt to  by 14th March to receive the audios via emailed link.

Or you can buy Gravitas direct from Random House (RRP £12.99) for the special price of £9.75 including free UK P+P. To order please call 01206 255 800 and quote the reference GRAVITAS14. To get the free audios, simply send the invoice number to info@gravitasmethod.com and we will send you the audio mp3s via email.

We’re excited about the book and hope you enjoy it – and the great audios in this offer. To get both simply buy the book by 14th March, email the receipt to info@gravitasmethod.com and you will be emailed the audios via a link you can download from immediately.


  1. Charles

    Having attended Caroline’s session at the Awards weekend last summer, she gets my vote as absolutely The Business. It was remarkable how useful her talk was, considering its relative brevity. It would be good were to teach on all the celebrant training courses currently on offer. (In so far as those courses are good enough in the first place for people to part with as much money as they cost)

    I’d see her as the heir to the mantle of the great Cicely Berry, RSC voice coach ffor generations of fine actors. Her input certainly helped me to think more clearly when I’m speaking at funerals, and to do so more effectively.

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