New charity to help pay for funerals of babies and children

Charles 4 Comments



A new charity which will help bereaved parents with the cost of a baby or child’s funeral is being officially launched on Wednesday, July 23, with a special one-day seminar and exhibition at the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire.

Child Funeral Charity (CFC), whose patron is well-known author and national newspaper advice columnist Bel Mooney, has been set up by a team of child and funeral industry professionals. It is being headed by experienced educationalist Roger Gale as chief executive officer, while Mary and Kevin Tomes at Colourful Coffins and Anne Barber from Civil Ceremonies, are charity trustees.

Full details of the charity will be announced to the funeral trade, and other professionals who work with bereaved parents at the seminar, which is entitled Time to Talk – a focus on Baby and Child Bereavement.

Roger Gale explains: “This event provides the perfect opportunity to create awareness of the new Child Funeral Charity and to call on everyone who works within the industry for their support.

“Although many funeral directors, clergy and celebrants don’t charge for children’s funerals, there are other expenses such as a coffin, a vehicle, flowers and service sheets for the ceremony that all add up. Whether a family has lost a baby through a pre-term loss or stillbirth; a child through a life limiting illness or something more sudden such as an accident; the last thing they want to worry about is how to pay for the funeral. That’s where CFC can step in, but in order to do so, we need the support of funeral industry professionals to work with us as preferred suppliers and to help with fundraising. This is a very emotional time for families and I am sure many in the trade will agree that anything we can do to help alleviate the financial burden will be very much appreciated.”

Delegates are expected to be drawn from a range of bereavement-related professionals, including funeral directors, hospice staff, registrars, hospital bereavement officers and/or midwives, bereavement counsellors, other charities, celebrants, faith representatives and others.

As well as providing financial support, if required, CFC can also put families in touch with other appropriate bereavement charities.

If you’d like to go along and support this new charity, and find out more about it, event details and booking form are on this link or you can download them here: CFC Seminar Flyer — CFC Booking form

or call 01480 276088



  1. Charles

    I hope the charity will offer the very healing choice to parents to keep their dead child at home to care for him or her through the death and to the disposition. This is such a humane (and inexpensive) choice – a home funeral where the child’s body is kept cool and mourners are given the privacy and time to be present. Imagine a rocker by a crib in a nursery that has been made sacred, so that mom or grandpa can rock the child for the last time, and perhaps sing or pray, in private, as it used to be. It is an option that should be made known and the support given to the family to consider it, perhaps using the services of a ‘death doula’ or ‘death midwife’ to help. These are being held more and more in the US and, like the return of home birth, home funerals are bringing back into the family what was always the family’s domain: caring for its own.

  2. Charles

    This charity sounds like it should have been available some time ago, from my own point I would be only too pleased to support them, As for keeping the child at home this has been going on for some time,
    I have only 14 years in the profession but I have worked under some outstanding Funeral Directors and Embalmers with over 30 years in the trade, if a family requested the child be brought home and remain until the day of the funeral only the basics are needed to carry out this request, Ice packs do the job and a portable Air Con unit will help as well.
    Small Independents might not have the fancy cooling systems that are available to allow a deceased Child go home but a Portable Air Con unit will only cost £80.00 via Amazon.
    As for the overall cost its just time going to the home and checking the room temperature and replacing the frozen ice packs, and to keep the cost of the funeral down I would use my estate car and interact with the family on buying the coffin via the internet, by doing this the family can decorate the coffin and encourage others to join them.

  3. Charles

    i was wondering if I would be eligible to help with the funeral bill of my 5yr old grand daughters funeral I. Have sent this message on behalf of my daughter

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