And the winner is…

Charles 10 Comments

Does it get any better? The First Women Awards is the UK’s premium awards programme focused on senior-level business women and professionals. The Awards are founded by Real Business and the CBI, and are held in association with Lloyds Banking Group.

And this year’s winner, announced last night: Poppy Mardall.

Here at the GFG-Batesville Shard the inmates are breaking out the bunting and cracking open the Irn Bru. Huge joy for you, Poppy, and all the congratulations in the world.

Screenshot 2014-06-13 at 08


  1. Charles

    Poppy is awesome! She is making an incredible difference in the lives of so many people with her new, affordable and creative approach to funerals. This is an absolutely fabulous achievement and well deserved. Good on you girl x

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