If it seems too good to be true…. the sad end of the promise of Ecolation

Fran Hall 5 Comments
Fran Hall

Over time, we have received a number of well informed comments on a post written back in February 2017 on Ecolation, the supposedly innovative alternative to cremation.

It became apparent that we, along with many others, had been taken in by a sales pitch for something that wasn’t at all what it seemed.

The slick PR and the glossy website didn’t materialise into anything.

Fortunately, unlike others, the GFG didn’t have any money to invest in the promises that seemed so plausible when we visited the Dublin HQ, so it’s just embarrassment at having been fooled that we’re nursing now, not an empty bank account.

So we would like to say a public thank you and pay tribute to ‘Mary’, who has been indefatigable in her pursuit of the facts and the source of all the additional information which resulted in her latest comment on the blog post yesterday, including an excerpt from an article in The Sunday Times on July 8th, detailing the sorry end of this pipe dream.

We have reprinted Mary’s comment below to save you looking it up.

‘From the Sunday Times, July 8 2018, “Put on ice” :
“… Last month, the High Court Judge Deirdre Murphy ordered that Ecolegacy should be wound up and a liquidator should investigate payments made to Ennis and Brian McKimm, the company’s erstwhile chief operating officer who was formerly bankrupt in Northern Ireland.
Ecolegacy was “brought to its knees … by the mismanagement and intransigence of Tony Ennis” and the potential misappropriation of company funds, said the judge.  The ecolation unit in the company’s west Dublin warehouse cost 2.2m euro but is not fit for purpose and is worth about 300,000 euros as spare parts.”
I wonder how they spent 2.2m euro on an “ecolation” unit and how, with no possible product to carry out the process in the manner described in the sci-fi video, the whole thing could ever have ended other than with ecoLegacy on its knees.
And they never even had planning permission to do it on so much as a pork chop. 
Deirdre Murphy should be impressed that Anthony Ennis did not follow entirely in the footsteps of Susanne Wiigh-Masak’s footsteps – the high priestess of Promession.  She supported the notion of people putting Promession in their wills and several were held in deep freezers for many years after their death while the relatives hoped that the promised imminent arrival of a promator in Sweden would permit them to give their deceased loved ones their wished for disposal method.  She campaigned tirelessly for them to remain in freezers rather than be forcibly buried when the Swedish state withdrew the exemption because the promator was not materialising.  But, like Mr Ennis, she never came up with the goods.
It seems from this article that Mr Ennis instead focused his energies on wealthy live Americans keen to invest in his “thriving” venture.

Here’s the link to the detailed article.’


  1. Fran Hall

    Thank you very much for the mention – but really it was as quick and simple as a bit of Googling. I really do hope there isn’t anyone nursing a suffering bank account after a visit to Dublin HQ. Maybe this Times article gives hope of recovering something? I really do not know. The whole thing is very puzzling in so many ways. Taking the contents of the article at face value, it doesn’t sound as though they get on too well with one another inside ecoLegacy. But there is more than one company with this name – two more at least in Ireland (ecoLegacy (Glasnevin) and ecoLegacy Services) and one in Georgia US which tried to raise capital in June 2016. https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1678267/000167826716000001/xslFormDX01/primary_doc.xml

  2. Fran Hall

    As one of the engineers on this project I don’t agree with all the comments in this article, we worked long hours and strove to derive a product that would benefit the funeral industry and society for six years, only to have it torn apart by the cfo. The concept is still feasible and we proved it with our prototype. Something like this requires people who are dedicated to the outcome and want to actually produce a result, unfortunately for Ecolegacy there were people involved that didn’t see it this way. Tony Ennis did the best who could while controlling this firm and got his legs swept out from under him by greedy thieves trying to gain control. The problem with this post is that it paints the concept and the idea of ecolation as a failure when in fact it was due to only one or two people creating issues and roadblocks for the rest of us working on this project. Ecolation would have been much further along if it wasn’t for those people and that 2.2m would have been used to change the future landscape of cremation. I would have slept on cardboard on the factory floor to get this project off the ground.

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