A profound and radical shift took place last week, and at the Good Funeral Guide, we feel it is essential to acknowledge it.
On Friday 29th November, the Private Members Bill sponsored by Kim Leadbeater MP, The Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill, passed its second reading in the House of Commons with 330 votes in favour compared with 275 votes against. The Bill now moves to the Committee Stage for scrutiny, before being sent on to the House of Lords for their consideration. It is the first time that Parliament has moved in favour of state involvement in this area.
The five-hour debate on the Bill was a sombre and respectful one that enabled MPs to speak movingly about why they were voting for or against the Bill in the free vote that followed – you can see how your MP voted here.
It was Parliament at its best, with none of the brutish baying and shouting that we have become accustomed to. And rightly so, on such a deeply important subject. There is much nuance and many concerns that have to be considered as the Bill progresses, and practical details will need to be carefully worked through.
Inevitably, with such a momentous vote that could fundamentally change the legal position at end of life in England and Wales, there will be much discussion and debate over the coming months and years about the philosophical issues around death and dying.
This can only be a good thing, and we look forward to a far wider public awareness that we need to talk about death.
“A thoughtful and balanced perspective on an important milestone in the discussion of end-of-life choices.” Regard Tel U