A new crematorium for Nottingham

Charles 1 Comment

The Westerleigh Group wants to build a third crematorium for Nottingham to serve the currently neglected north-east area of the city. 

There’s no doubting the need of it. Presently, Nottingham only has two crematoria, the excellent and brilliantly run Bramcote, and the unprepossesing Wilford Hill, famous for its electric ‘Heaven’s’ gates in lieu of the customary curtain — the last word in closure. 

Nothing against Westerleigh. I’ve only ever done one funeral in a Westerleigh crematorium and it was staffed by the best people I’ve ever come across. 

But why oh why aren’t Lymn’s taking the initiative here? 


  1. Charles

    Have you tried raising money these days? Even very successful family firms like Lymn’s would struggle. The banks have no vision, even for a dead cert!

    I think Westerleigh are very similar to venture capitalist funeral directors. The City boys like these (short-term?) investment vehicles.

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