Taking a shirt from the Reaper

Charles 7 Comments

The funeral yesterday of south London underworld luminary Charlie Richardson. Among the mourners was ‘Mad’ Frankie Fraser. 

The Richardson gang, led by Charlie and his brother Eddie, was noted, in its heyday in the sixties, for its compliance process, which included, according to the Mail,  “torturing enemies at their scrap metal yard by attaching electrodes to their nipples and genitals and delivering electric shocks, having already placed them in baths of water to make the electricity more potent. The gang would frequently carry out mock trials for victims, before administering punishments including whippings, cigarette burning and teeth being pulled out by gang member ‘Mad’ Frankie Fraser. They were then made to clean up their own blood. The brutal method of trial by kangaroo court and subsequent torture was said to be known as ‘taking a shirt from Charlie’, as Richardson would often give victims a clean shirt in which to return home afterwards.” No volt-farce, that. 

The floral arrangement bearing the legend 240 DC refers to the black, handle-driven World War Two army generator which delivered the torturtricity. 

Full story in the Mail here.

Not unchilling interview with Mr Fraser here

No cigar on this occasion for naming the man leading the Roller. 


  1. Charles

    Blimey – did you watch the interview with Mr Fraser? Keeping away from dark alleys just in case…
    Ps Doncha just love the Daily Mail juxtapositions??
    “Also present was Charlie’s wife Ronnie, wrapped in a fur-lined shawl, watching as the procession made its way to the cemetery, guided by the same funeral director who presided over Jade Goody’s funeral in 2009.”

    And what about the “unidentified guest, pictured left ” with something resembling a giant spider on his head?

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