Tea, cakes, death and a movie

Charles 2 Comments

The Natural Death Centre Charity proudly presents:

The NDC Death Café

Film Event

2.30pm – 5pm

Sunday 24 February 2013

London NW2 6AA

(near Willesden Green underground station)

Suggested donation : £5  


As part of this Death Café, young documentary filmmaker Olivia Humphreys will show her 20 minute film  Noctuaries. Josefine Speyer, psychotherapist and co-founder of the Natural Death Centre, will host the event.

Come and join us for a free flowing conversation around the topic of dying, death and bereavement. Whilst sitting comfortably in a relaxed setting, drink tea and eat delicious cake or sandwiches and enjoy an open, respectful and confidential space for discussion, free of discrimination where people can express their views safely.

To participate, please email a note to Josefine at josefine@josefinespeyer.com with your name and phone number and how you heard about the event. She’ll send you an email to confirm your place. Thanks!

Filmmaker Biography:

Olivia Humphreys is a documentary filmmaker and writer based in London, and recently completed a Masters in Screen Documentary at Goldsmiths. Her graduation film won the Royal Television Society award for Best Postgraduate Factual Film and the Best Documentary award at Exposures Film Festival. Her films have been screened in over forty festivals worldwide.


“In the ten years since my mother’s death, my family and I have had frequent, vivid and profoundly moving dreams about her. ‘Noctuaries’ looks at how each of us has responded to these dreams, and how they have formed part of our grieving.”

The Natural Death Centre (Registered Charity
 Number 1091396) needs your support. It relies entirely on donations and book sales. Established in 1991, it is a social, entrepreneurial, educational charity that gives free, impartial advice on all aspects of dying, bereavement and consumer rights, including family-organised and environmentally friendly funerals. It runs a helpline and sells the new Natural Death Handbook.




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