Absence makes the art grow fonder

Are you a graveyard rabbit? Are you a photographer? 

If your answer to both of the above is yes, you can enrich yourself to the tune of £1,000 by indulging your two favourite fads and entering MAB’s Dead Art? Then and Now competition, details of which follow: 

Last year was the second success of the Memorial Awareness Board’s (MAB) “Dead Art? Then and Now” photographic competition. MAB, the organisation that works to promote and raise awareness of memorialisation issues in the United Kingdom, have now launched the competition for a third  year and is sponsored by StoneGuard Memorial Stone Insurance. It encourages photographers of all abilities to submit their images of memorials with the themes “then” and “now” and the winner will receive £1000 from the sponsor.

This year there is an added twist to the rules. The public will be able to vote from the 10 short listed entries, on the MAB website, to choose the ultimate winner and runner up.

 MAB’s Campaign Director Mike Dewar says, “Memorials and cemeteries have long been a favourite subject for photographers. There certainly is no shortage of unusual and interesting memorials throughout UK burial grounds and this competition focuses on capturing and showcasing their unsung beauty”. 

MAB are calling photographers of all abilities. All entrants must submit two images one of then and one of now in order to be valid. The “Then” photograph should represent memorials as history, and the “Now” photos must be a modern headstone. Photographs can be either black and white or colour.  

Closing date for the judges to choose the short listed will be Monday July 2nd. It will then re open in August for the public vote.

To enter the competition and for full terms and conditions please visit: www.memorialawarenessboard.wordpress.com. You can also become a fan on Facebook.

MAB asked us to let you know about this competition and, of course, we are delighted to do so. 

New coffin 2 — the Burial Cloud

From the press release:

Linda Robinson is a professional end-of-life carer and her clients, tucked up in warm, cozy beds, often confided to a dread of being carried out in a wooden box.  When her children were young, the family wrapped dead pets in soft woollen jumpers for burial, and inspired by this, Linda decided to try and design a more appealing coffin. She came up with a woven pouch from sheeps wool and named it the BURIAL CLOUD.

An experienced weaver for over 25 years, Linda sourced wool from local rare-breed farmers, some of whom were burning the fleeces as there was no profitable market for them.   She crafted local oak and pine wood to make a supporting underboard and used calico to make an inner liner. Calico tabs were also sewn onto the Burial Cloud to slot in ash wood poles for ease of carrying, rather like a stretcher.

Linda showed her prototype to a local undertaker and he loved it so much he helped finance the patent.  She was then offered space at Humber Memorial Woodland Burial in Herefordshire as a base for her business, which was originally the site of an Iron Age fort.  She trained local women to weave the wool and an eco-friendly business was born, boosting the rural economy.

The Burial Cloud is:

*   Environmentally friendly, made from natural woven wool, produced and hand-crafted in Britain with minimal transport miles

*   Made  using organic, bio-dynamic and rare-breed fleeces where possible

*   Designed with a supporting underboard made from local oak or pine and an internal calico liner

*   Carrying handles made from locally coppiced ash

*   Supporting the rural economy by employing the skills of farmers, sheep shearers, weavers, craftswomen and tree coppicers

*   Available in all sizes

*   Suitable for all forms of burial and air cremation

*   Retailing for £660 (adult size) 

*   Also available for separate purchase are woven fleece liners for more traditional coffins (such as willow, seagrass and recycled cardboard)

Contact: linda@burialcloud.co.uk  Website: here  Click the photo to make it bigger. 

New coffin 1 — the Curve

Behold the Curve coffin developed in Tenterden, Kent, by Andy Clarke. 

Andy says, “I always knew that there was room for a different type of coffin. I couldn’t understand why there was so little choice for what is, at the end of the day, an essential item in all of our lives.

“My desire was to make a softer curved product, that moved away from the angular harshness of the traditional shape that’s been with us for hundreds of years, and yet retain the traditional robustness of timber in its manufacture.”

Andy has a fledgling website up here

What do you think of it? 

Moon shot

Bill Curbishley, manager of totemic Who drummer Keith Moon, has received an invitation from the London Olympics committee. They want Moon to play at the closing ceremony. 

Curbishley said: “I emailed back saying Keith now resides in Golders Green crematorium, having lived up to the Who’s anthemic line ‘I hope I die before I get old’. If they have a round table, some glasses and candles, we might contact him.”


Cremator says whoomph

Germany is a world leader in crematorium technology, but its crematoria are finding it hard to cope with some of its XXL citizens: 

The crematorium employee in the western German town of Hamelin took a last look at the coffin before pushing it inside the furnace. This was the third coffin he had processed on the morning of January 13, and the body itself weighed over 200 kilograms (440 pounds). Of that, only two kilograms of ashes were supposed to remain after cremation. But, 15 minutes later, flames shot out of the crematorium’s 10-meter-high (33-foot-high) stainless-steel chimney, and parts of it began to melt. 

Unable to bring the fire under control, the employee called the fire department. Firemen determined that the smoking chimney was glowing at 600 degrees Celsius (1,100 degrees Fahrenheit). They cooled it from the side and used an infrared camera to track the spread of heat through the building. It took four hours to reduce the body in the furnace to ash.

It’s the high fat content that does it. 

Firefighters responding to a fire at a crematorium in Hamburg in January 2008 even had to don protective breathing masks. The cremation of the body of an overweight man had led to a deflagration. The bypass flaps jammed and exhaust was unable to escape through the chimney. As a result, brownish smoke billowed through the building and the firefighters’ instruments showed high levels of toxic carbon monoxide.

To avoid spikes in pollution levels, a study by the Bavarian Environment Agency recommends placing coffins of particularly heavy corpses into the furnace “with the lid slightly open”.

Because there are so many crematoria in Germany, there is much competition between them. This has brought the cost of cremation down to £250. 

Is anyone aware of similar fat-fire problems in UK crematoria? (We  know all about the cost problems.) 

Info source here.

Shark eats shark as LM Funerals are gobbled up for £37.5 million

Posted by Charles

Marvellous news from last Wednesday’s Telegraph: 

The Duke Street consortium, which includes Babson Capital Europe and Metric Capital Partners, has acquired LM Funerals from Sovereign Capital, a buy-out firm focused on investing in small companies.

LM Funerals is the third largest funeral company in Britain, with more than 60 branches – mainly in the Midlands and the south-east of England.

Sovereign bought LM Funerals in 2003 and used the company as a platform to consolidate what is a highly fragmented sector. Under Sovereign’s ownership, the company grew from 29 sites to 65 through a series of nine acquisitions and several new branch openings.

You’ll like this next bit:

Often the acquired businesses continued to trade under their original names after the deals were completed. This was done to ensure the “preservation of trusted local reputations and relationships that have been built over a sustained period”. [Source]

QUERY: If consolidation of a highly fragmented sector is a Good Thing, why the reticence about ownership?

FOLLOWUP QUERY: No mention of the benefits for consumers? (Oh, them.) 

FACT: Sovereign Capital paid £11m for LM in 2003. They’ve sold for £37.5m. The deal therefore represents a 3.4 x return. 

FACT: The name of the managing partner of Metric Capital Partners is John Synic. Really. 

THE GFG SAYS: Take the money and run, boys. Trebles all round!!

Hat-tip to Andrew Plume. 

Modern grief 2 — To shirk suffering is also to shirk those who suffer

Posted by Charles

Over at the Heart of Mopsus blog, here,  the Rector of Swanvale Halt took part in an Easter Friday Walk of Witness and reflected as follows:

Christians insist on publicly remembering a single, immensely violent event on a sunny Bank Holiday when everyone else is enjoying themselves; certainly most of my friends, to judge by Facebook which is the measure of all things, were doing and describing a variety of lighthearted activities while I was deliberately and voluntarily turning my mind to pain and horror.

The relationship between these different modes of feeling and thinking is complex. Our natural human tendency is to avoid the painful and problematic, quite understandably and rightly, and yet our understanding of who we are, what we are capable of, and what life can include, is superficial and incomplete if we spend all our time avoiding such dark elements of our common experience – and perhaps that even encourages us to avoid those who suffer, or misjudge them. As always, in my opinion, the Church has down the centuries got this wrong: but I think, by contrast with the heathen world growing up around it, the truth and rightness of the sacrifice of Christ is becoming clearer than ever.

Modern grief 1 — Why teddy bears?

Posted by Charles

In a decorous piece of invective in last Friday’s Daily Telegraph, Damian Thompson analyses the way people express grief today, and why:

A few weeks after the murders of the schoolgirls Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman in 2002, I stood in Soham parish church with the vicar, the Rev Tim Alban Jones. He had made an excellent impression in the media by asking the public to pray for the girls’ families while discouraging maudlin displays of “grief ”. But he’d only been partly successful. A corner of his church was piled to the ceiling with cardboard boxes full of soft toys – in memory of the dead girls.

The vicar pointed them out to me with a baffled expression. “Why do people send teddy bears?” he asked.

…  …  …  …

As a nation we have developed an odd relationship with grief. It’s not just that we are fascinated by tragedies; we are deeply moved by our own reaction to them.

This is where those teddy bears come into the picture. The soft toys weren’t intended as comfort for the families of two horribly murdered girls. Their purpose was to provide emotional satisfaction for the people who sent them – a “personal” tribute to Holly and Jessica by members of the public who, a decade later, probably have difficulty remembering their names.

When Diana, Princess of Wales died, some critics were appalled by the “mourning sickness” symbolised by the mountains of flowers. That’s harsh, given that the public felt that they knew Diana. But there’s no getting away from it: some of those bouquets gave off the same aroma of narcissism as the teddies.

Although the vicarious grief over Diana was unusually intense, it was a classic demonstration of post-religious spirituality. The same goes for the outpouring of sympathy for Fabrice Muamba, a footballer few people had heard of before he collapsed.

Modern Westerners, including Christians, no longer believe in the supernatural in the taken-for-granted fashion of our ancestors. Confronted by major life events, we find solace in our own compassion. Visit a modern church, and you’re likely to find a smug congregation celebrating itself: a very secular impulse. And why did Ken Livingstone blub this week? Because he’d seen a film about his own benevolence – probably the closest he has ever come to a religious experience.


Lairs – time for re-evaluation?

Posted by Vale

Have you ever thought about the rateable value of cemeteries and burial grounds?

The Scottish Assessors Association have. They offer information about how sites and locations should be valued and have some fascinating guidance for cemeteries, churchyards, graveyards and necropolises.

A guidance note advises that:  

The recommended rate is £110 per coffin lair. Where casket lairs are provided they should be taken at £45 per lair.  (see more here)

Lairs. Wonderful!

But there’s more to this tale than old fashioned language. In February the Bournemouth Echo reported here  that:

WIMBORNE Cemetery has scored a landmark victory in a two-year battle against a 150 per cent rise in its rates.

Thousands of chapels across the country could escape similarly steep costs after the cemetery won an appeal based on an historic act that the Church of England cannot own anything.

Rather than accept the Valuations Office hiking the picturesque cemetery chapel’s annual rateable value from £3,250 to £8,000, clerk and registrar Anthony Sherman took the matter to Parliament, enlisted barristers and even threatened a judicial review. Now the rise has been overturned, they’re looking to claim the money back.

It seems there could be wider implications too, particularly for Natural Burial grounds. A local company,  Tapper Funerals which also operates a natural burial ground congratulated Wimborne on its win and commented that :

Valuations of cemeteries have always been extremely low due to the low financial turnover and the high maintenance costs relative to the large expanse of land (similar in some ways to farming). Strangely, as private businesses embarked on cemetery provision, the Valuations Office has started to view them completely differently with increases, in some places, of many 100s of percent. It is difficult not to be cynical over the timing of such changes!

You can read more here.

Is there a wider issue out there? Are other natural – or just non-religious – burial grounds fighting local battles about rateable values? It would be interesting to find out.