Modern life

Charles 6 Comments



yesterday was my mum’s heavenly birthday i light candles every day for my friends angels and wish them heavenly birthdays and put a pic in there garden yes she had a couple of verses put on but not one heavenly birthday wish or pic i know people dont have to do this but i feel hurt when i think what i do for my angel friend i have also notice although i light every day my angels are getting less and less candles can someone tell me why i know i dont light candle to get candles back for my angels but on special days it would be nice .


Message posted at online memorial site GoneTooSoon


  1. Charles

    People in various spheres fret about the possibility that too much time spent in the virtual world may be unhealthy. Others – the artist Ai Wei Wei is an example – make the point that, in the modern world, virtual reality is part of reality. In this case it really does sound as though the very artificial virtual world is not at all gratifying.

    I would want to counsel the writer to get out into embodied community in which she (I’m happy to bet it is a she) could have more subtle and fulfilled negotiations about mutual support and recognition.

  2. Charles

    All I can say (as a former bricklayer it’s my prerogative) is, ‘academic paper my arse.’

    This poor little orphan girl appears hopelessly deluded, irretrievably inarticulate and desperately, desperately lonely. This is her call for love, addressed to a computer for heaven’s sake; what’s needed is not an academic to observe from a distance the problem of which she is symptomatic, but someone to hold her; and others like her.

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