Death in the community

Charles 7 Comments

East Midlands funeral director, A. W. Lymn The Family Funeral Service, has become the first funeral directors in England to advertise on a billboard. The poster is the first of a series of 9 which will appear over the course of the next year

The billboard is situated at the bottom of Greenhill Rise in Carlton, Nottingham. 

Nigel Lymn Rose, managing director, said: Our office in Carlton is situated on a side road called Church Street. As it is not on the main road a number of clients had been unaware of its existence and I was wondering how to improve its profile. On looking through my great-grandfather’s photograph collection I came across a picture from the 1920s of a hoarding advertising his funeral business and I immediately thought that would be an appropriate way to once again advertise our business in a prominent position in Carlton”


  1. Charles

    Innovative – American funeral homes do it all the time. My favourite is a giant pic of a hearse with a strap line something like ..

    ‘Please don’t drink and drive – we don’t want to be your designated driver’

    Holmes & Family.

    Do you think it would work here?

  2. Charles

    This is so innovative & will hopefully help raise awareness by being a talking point.
    Such entrepreneurial practise is from A. W. Lymn, a NDC Recommended Funeral Director helping taking the Funerals forward,cntnt01,details,0&cntnt01category=Recommended%20Funeral%20Directors&cntnt01hierarchy=East%20Midlands&cntnt01productid=712&cntnt01returnid=77

    Susan Morris, Trustee
    The Natural Death Centre Charity, Association of Natural Burial Grounds

    Registered Charity No: 1091396 @ndccharity

  3. Charles

    Good idea, but definitely not the first.
    We advertised on a billboard in Tesco car park at Christmas two years ago, and again last year, and have booked it for this year as well.
    Our competitors followed suit (as they do) and advertised on a billboard by the railway station last year. Unfortunately for them, their advert got torn in several places and now reads “we won’t be going extra for professionalism”.

  4. Charles

    Excellent idea, and in the right location it must work. Our local Coop advertise on the Buses, its like a mobile shop/office but has a huge effect, They also advertise in there old food hall shop with huge windows, they are covered with nice new fleet of vehicles photographs. Its well known fact that when they buy a premises even if it closes, they never sell it.
    Another advertising campaign they have is the local Football ground, they have dedicated box with there name and even a stand named after them.
    The independents cant match that, but we are doing something right as within 4 years 3 have opened up and 1 has expanded.

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