Clergy: watch out for the mystery mourner!

Charles No Comments

From yesterday’s Independent:

The Church of England is asking its followers to give feedback on funerals and christenings in a drive to make services more popular.

The Archbishop’s Council has commissioned independent researchers to delve into how the Church ministers to its faithful at the key moments of birth and death. The research is partially motivated by concerns over the gradual decline in people using churches for christenings, weddings and funerals now that secular alternatives are readily available.

The two projects will seek feedback from congregations about what improvements could be made. A similar scheme began five years ago in the Bradford and Oxford dioceses to examine weddings, for which brides and grooms were asked to “rate” their marriage on subjects as varied as the friendliness of the vicar and whether church staff were helpful.

Read it all here. Hat tip to Dan Phillips for this. 


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